
The Mushrooms of New York City – sorted by borough (July 9, 2012)


A collaborative project of The New York Mycological Society / 2012

Acknowledgements: Many members of the New York Mycological Society have been major contributors to this project. Together, we have surveyed more than a dozen parks in all 5 boroughs of New York City, more than 50 systematic collecting trips in the past 3 years, collecting every month of the year. Individuals have surveyed the same and different areas the past decade or so. Anne Yen, for example, while working on the Brooklyn shore, was able to collect and photograph a number of mushrooms found no where else in the city, so far, and to print a copy of her study for our use. Paul Sadowski has been putting together checklists of our city club walks on the NYMS Facebook page. Dennis Aita and Aaron Noravian have been collecting mushrooms in NYC parks for decades, and have maintained a checklist of what they’ve been finding and where and when. Tom Bigelow and Juniper Perlis and Don Recklies and Ethan Crenson and Damon Brunette and a number of other members have been finding mushrooms, often overlooked by others, which have added enormously to the diversity of our checklist.

Sorted by Borough: Manhattan (M), primarily Central Park and Inwood Hill Park; the Bronx (Bx), primarily Van Cortlandt Park, Woodlawn Cemetery, the New York Botanical Garden, and Pelham Bay Park; Queens (Q), primarily Forest Park, Cunningham Park and Alley Pond Park; Brooklyn (Br), primarily Prospect Park and the Brooklyn shore; and Staten Island (SI), primarily Clove Lakes Park, Wolfe’s Pond Park, and the Greenbelt

Total taxa to date: about 250 non-gilled and 250 gilled mushrooms

*: photo of the collection (not a photo of the taxon taken elsewhere)

Burt: References to Burt refer to Burt’s Thelephoraceae of North America, and used only for those taxa Burt recorded in NYC parks but not found so far by any of us.

NAF: This refers to North American Flora, a circa 1915 publication that recorded at least 50 mushrooms in New York City that we have not collected on any of our city-wide forays the past decade or so.

References for the mushrooms recorded below can be found in field guides, like the Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms, and online by species or by websites. One website, “Project Noah,” has more than 100 mushroom species photographed in New York City parks. Another, “Mushroom Observer,” lets you search by species; so, for example, by searching for ‘Arachnopeziza aurelia’ you’ll not only find a photograph of the mushroom, but the very one we found in Inwood Hill Park!

Note: In some cases the most current name is not used, e.g., collybioid and lepiotoid mushrooms are retained in Collybia and Lepiota for convenience.

A checklist is just a listing of what was seen and identified, not what was there. There could have been many more mushrooms that just were overlooked. A checklist also says nothing about the mushrooms except that they were recorded in a given place at a given time. Mistakes are a given in a survey like this. In some cases, but I hope few, the same entity appears under two different names; it takes time to weed these out. In some cases a name is applied to a “species” that is a complex of several species not being accurately differentiated here. Over time, these problems should be corrected.

The absence of a particular mushroom in a given borough when it has been found elsewhere in NYC does not necessarily mean it’s not there, just that it hasn’t been collected there yet, especially when it has been collected in all the other boroughs. Conversely, a mushroom collected only once could turn out to be a mis-determination, though not necessarily so, as the single collection of the well-known Phaeolus schweinitzii on pine in the Bronx attests.

NOT included in this checklist are 1) rust fungi, a common group of fungi on plant leaves; 2) most resupinates (for lack of ID manuals and expertise; 3) many ascomycetes that are too small or those that occur on leaves, like our very common powdery mildews, or in habitats not being surveyed (like submerged vegetation along pond margins); 4) hypogeous fungi (for lack of a suitable technique for acquiring them; and 5) lichens. Non-fungi that ARE included here: Slime molds (myxomycetes) because they are routinely gathered by members of the New York Mycological Society, and were traditionally included with the fungi until recently [now placed with amoeboid organisms in the kingdom Protoctista].

A few mushrooms that are high on our list of fungi that we have yet to find include the very small, ball-like Glomus microcarpum, a glomeromycete that occurs on the ground associated with our common tulip-poplar tree; the small, ball-like Endogone flammicorona, a zygomycete associated with both pines and hardwoods, like oak, beech, and birch; and a true truffle, the pecan truffle, Tuber lyoni, which is mycorrhizal with both oaks and helleborine, Epipactis helleborine, the weedy pathside orchid! Because the southern flying squirrel lives primarily on truffles and truffle-like fungi, and lives in Inwood Hill Park, it follows that truffles and truffle-like fungi occur there. The challenge is to find these fungi, and to find them in a way that is not harmful to the park.

What is the value of a checklist for which there are no preserved collections to corroborate identifications, and which is based, with some exceptions, on field identification only? For one, it’s a beginning of something that has never been tried here before, a systematic attempt to determine the diversity of the mushroom flora of New York City. For another, it’s a clear indication of the diversity of the fungi that are here, even if the percentage of mis-determinations would have been lower had every collection been scoped and preserved. That we now know that New York City is home to over 500 different mushrooms is something nobody could have predicted a decade ago.

A note on HABITATS in New York City. Mushrooms in New York City are found in specific habitats.

(1) One is grass. Lawns are home to a number of mushrooms that can be found no where else, like Agaricus campestris and Conocybe lactea.

(2) Another is wood-chip mulch. There is a specific mushroom flora associated with wood-chip mulch, like, for example, Stropharia rugosoannulata and Crucibulum laeve.

(3) A third habitat (or substrate) is trees, standing trees. Mushrooms that grow on trees include Ganoderma applanatum and Phellinus rimosus. Some mushrooms grow only at the base of trees, like Grifola frondosa and Bondarzewia berkeleyi. Some grow on and about stumps, like Armillaria mellea.

(4) A distinctive mushroom flora grows on fallen braches and scattered sticks, like Exidia recisa and Trametes conchifer. Another distinctive mushroom flora occurs on fallen trees or logs, decaying at different rates and providing nutrients for different fungi at different times. Phlebia tremellosa and Trametes versicolor are examples of typical log fungi.

(5) A major group of mushrooms grow on the ground associated (mycorrhizal or symbiotic) with the roots of particular trees, like oaks and beech and pine, like the mushroom genera Amanita, Russula, and Inocybe, and most of our boletes.

(6) Some mushrooms grow on the ground in leaf mulch, often covered by leaves in the fall, like Clitocybe nuda.

(7) Some mushrooms seem to be always associated with moss, like Rickenella fibula.

(8) Some mushrooms grow on other mushrooms, like Hypomyces hyalinus on Amanita rubescens and Spinellus fusiger on Mycena haematopus.

(9) Some mushrooms grow in sandy soil, often near planted pines, the kind of habitat we find along the Brooklyn shore, and these include Laccaria trullisata and Astraeus hygrometricus.

(10) Some mushrooms grow on manure. These can be encountered around horse stables in the city, and also in lawns that have recently been fertilized with manure. Examples include species of Panaeolus and some species of Psilocybe and Coprinus.


A few notes on some of the special mushrooms of New York City:


Arachnopeziza aurelia is a tiny but exquisitely bejewed cup fungus we found in Inwood Hill Park during an April foray. Isaria flabelliforme is the imperfect stage of the dead man’s finger known as Xylaria cubensis. We found the imperfect stage on Staten Island and the perfect stage in Inwood Hill Park and in Queens. Phaeocalicium polyporaeum is a minute parasite on the cap of almost every Trichaptum biforme we find. Morels have been found in every borough in NYC, including mid-town Manhattan, under pines at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, and in city parks – Inwood Hill, Van Cortlandt, Prospect, Forest, and at least one wooded area on Staten Island.


JELLY FUNGI: Our common wood-ear (Auricularia auricula) is related to the wood-ear of commerce, the mushroom that’s found in Chinese hot and sour soup. Another common one, and equally usable, is a smaller, totally smooth look-alike, Exidia recisa. Two of our jelly fungi have been found as parasites on the parchment fungus Stereum hirsutum: Tremella aurantia (unless it’s just T. mesenterica) and Tremella foliacea. One of our jelly fungi looks like a coral fungus, Tremellodendron pallidum. Another, Exidia nucleata, looks like small translucent balls filled with tiny internal structures.

CHANTERELLES AND BLACK TRUMPETS: Chanterelles occur in a few of our parks in the Bronx and on Staten Island. We have 4 different chanterelles as well as the black trumpet (Craterellus fallax). All grow under oaks.

CORAL AND TOOTH FUNGI: The best edible coral-like mushrooms is called the Cauliflower Mushroom, Sparassis spathulata. It’s even sold in some markets, and it can be found summer and fall in parks on Staten Island. The best edible tooth fungus is the lion’s mane or Hericium erinaceus. An unusual tooth fungus found twice, so far, in different parks is Climacodon pulcherrimus.

CRUST AND PARCHMENT FUNGI: The most spectacular mushroom in this broad group is a blue velvet fungus known as Byssocorticium atrovirens. A rare find is Phlebia incarnata, collected both in Forest Park (Queens) and Van Cortlandt Park (Bronx). Most easily overlooked fungus is tiny, white insect-egg-like Bulbillomyces farinosus, which we’ve now seen three times.

POLYPORES: Several choice edible polypores occur in New York City, including the hen of the woods (Grifola frondosa), the chicken mushroom (Laetiporus sulphureus), the white chicken mushroom (Laetiporus cincinnatus), and the beefsteak mushroom (Fistulina hepatica). Two of the most important medicinal mushrooms in the world are commonly found in the city, the Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) and the turkey-tail (Trametes vesicolor). Altogether, more than 50 polypores occur in New York City.

BOLETES: There are about 40 different boletes that occur in New York City. Some are very common, like Boletus campestris. Some, but not all, are good edibles, like Boletus bicolor, Gyroporus castaneus, Tylopilus badiceps, and both Norway spruce related Boletus edulis (the famous porcini) and a black oak relative, Boletus variipes.

GILLED MUSHROOMS: New York City is home to both the destroying angel (Amanita virosa, now A. bisporigera) and the death cap (Amanita phalloides). It is also home to the deadly Galerina (Galerina autumnalis, now G. marginata). There are many other poisonous mushrooms in NYC, including Entoloma, Hebeloma, and Inocybe species, as well as the Jack O’lantern (Omphalotus illudens), and the green-spored Lepiota (Chlorophyllum molybdites). The photogenic fly-agaric mushroom, Amanita muscaria, the yellow form, occurs in NYC, as do several “psychoactive” mushrooms, like the big laughing gym (Gymnopilus spectabilis) and two blue-staining species of Psilocybe (P. cyanescens and P. ovoideacystidiata). Some of the best edible mushrooms also occur in the city, and these include: Agaricus bitorquis, A. campestris, A. subrufescens, the honey mushroom (Armillaria mellea complex), the ringless honey mushroom (A. tabescens), the blewit (Clitocybe nuda), the shaggy mane (Coprinus comatus), the aborted Entoloma (E. abortivum), Lactarius hygrophoroides, Marasmius oreades, the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), Russula mariae, and the wine-cap (Stropharia rugosoannulata).

GASTEROMYCETES: Giant puffballs (Calvatia gigantea) can be very common in September in city parks. Earthstars are not common but occur here, while bird’s nest fungi, like Crucibulum laeve, are in nearly every spread of wood-chip mulch. Even more widespread are the stinkhorns, which you smell before you see, and one of these, Phallus rubicundus, is now a regular resident of the city, fruiting every summer after every rain. [Note: “Gasteromycetes” are a field-recognized rank not a group of evolutionarily related mushrooms.]


Photo [*]


Aleuria aurantia [M, Bx, SI]*

Apiosporina morbosa [all]*

Arachnopeziza aurelia [M]*

Ascocoryne cylichnium [M]*

Biscogniauxia atropunctata [all]*

Bisporella citrina [all]*

Bulgaria inquinans [Bx, Q, SI]*

Camarops petersii            [M, Br, SI]*

Chlorociboria aeruginascens [M, Bx, SI]*

Chlorosplenium chlora [Q]

Daldinia concentrica [all]*

Dasyscyphus virgineus [M, Bx, SI]*

Diatrype stigma [all]*

Helminthosphaeria clavarium [Br]

Helvella crispa [Bx]*

Helvella macropus [Bx]*

Hypocrea gelatinosa [Q, SI]

Hypocrea sulphurea [Q, Br, SI]*

Hypomyces aurantius ? [M, Q]*

Hypomyces chrysospermus [all]*

Hypomyces hyalinus [M, SI]*

Hypomyces on Hel. macropus [Bx]*

Hypoxylon fragiforme [Br, SI]

Hypoxylon cf howeianum [Bx, Q]

Hypoxylon cf multiforme [Br]

Hypoxylon rubiginosum [Br]*

Hypoxylon spp. [all]*

Isaria (Xylocoremium) flabelliforme [SI]*

Mollisia cinerea [Bx, Q, SI]*

Mollisia sp. [Bx]

Morchella sp. (under tulip-poplar) [all]

Morchella sp. (under conifers) [M, Bx]

Nectria s.l. spp. [all]*

Peziza badio-confusa [Q, Br]

Peziza repanda [SI]*

Peziza sp. (Discina-like) [Q]*

Peziza sp. (tan) [Br]

Phaeocalicium polyporaeum [all]*

Pleurocolla compressa [Q]

Scutellinia scutellata [all]

Ustulina (Kretschmaria) deusta [all]*

Xylaria cubensis [M, Br]*

Xylaria hypoxylon [Br, SI]*

Xylaria polymorpha [all]*



Gymnosporagium sp. [Bx]*



Auricularia auricula [all]*

Calocera cornea [Q, Br, SI]*

Exidia glandulosa [Q, SI]            *

Exidia nucleata [Bx, SI]*

Exidia recisa [all]*

Tremella cf aurantia [Q, SI]*

Tremella mesenterica [all]*

Tremellodendron pallidum [M, SI]*



Clavaria fragilis [M]*

Clavicorona pyxidata [Bx, Q, Br, SI]*

Clavulina cristata [all]

Clavulina cinerea [Br, SI]

Clavulina zollingeri [Bx]

Lentaria micheneri [Q]*

Mycoacia uda ? [Bx]

Ramaria sp.            [Q]

Ramaria sp. (large, yellow) [SI]

Coral species [M]*

Sparrasis spathulata [SI]



Cantharellus cf cibarius            [Bx, Q]*

Cantharellus cinnabarinus [M, Bx, Br, SI]*

Cantharellus lateritius [M, Bx, SI]*

Cantharellus minor [SI]*

Craterellus fallax [Bx, SI]*



Climacodon pulcherrimus [Bx, Q]*

Climacodon septentionale [M]*

Hericium americanum [Br]

Hericium erinaceus [M]*

Hydnellus concrescens [Bx]*

Hydnellum scrobiculatum [Bx]

Sarcodon underwoodii [Bx]*



Aleurodiscus oakesii [Bx, Q, SI]

Botry0basidium sp. [M]

Bulbillomyces farinosus            [M, Q]

Byssocorticium atrovirens [M]*

Corticium cf bombycinum [Br]

Corticium cf roseum [Bx]

Cylindrobasidium laeve [M, Bx]*

Dichostereum effuscatum [SI]..…Burt

Gloeocystidium porosum [Bx]…..Burt

= Corticium stramineum

Granulobasidium vellereum [Bx]…..Burt

Hydnochaete olivacea [all]*

Hymenochaete agglutinata [SI]            …..Burt

= H. corrugata

Hymenochaete cinnamomea [SI]…..Burt

Hymenochaete curtisii [SI]…..Burt

Hymenochaete tabacina [M]*

Hymenochaete sp.            [M, SI]

Laxitextum bicolor [SI]……Burt

Mutatoderma heterocystidium            [Bx]…..Burt

Odontia tenuis ? [M]

Peniophora albobadia [M, Bx, SI]*

Peniophora cf rufa            [Br]

Phanerochaete chrysorhiza [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Phanerochaete crassa [Q]*

Phaenerochaete filamentosa [SI]…Burt

Phlebia incarnata [Bx, Q]*

Phlebia radiata [M, Bx, SI]*

Phlebia tremellosa            [all]*

Phlebiopsis gigantean [Bx]*

Plicaturopsis crispa [M, Bx, Br, SI]*

Radulomyces confluens [Bx]…..Burt

Steccherinum ochraceum [all]*

Stereum complicatum [all]*

Stereum hirsutum            [all]*

Stereum ochraceoflavum [SI]…..Burt

Stereum ostrea [all]*

Stereum rugosum [Q]

Stereum striatum [SI]

Thelephora anthocephala [Bx]…..Burt

Thelephora vialis [SI]

Tomentella spp. [M]*

Xylobolus frustulatus [all]*



Abortiporus biennis [M, SI]*

Bjerkandera adusta [M, Br, SI]*

Bondarzewia bekeleyi [M, Bx, SI]*

Ceriporia spissa [M]*

Ceriporia viridans ? [Br]

Coltricia cinnamomea [Bx]

Daedaleopsis confragosa            [M, Q, SI]*

Daedalea quercina            [M, Q, SI]*

Favolus alveolaris [Q, SI]*

Fistulina hepatica [M, Bx, Br]*

Fomitopsis spraguei [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Ganoderma applanatum [M, Br, SI]*

Ganoderma curtisii [M, Br]* (also Govenors Island)

Ganoderma lucidum [all]*

Gloeophyllum sepiarium [Bx]*

Gloeoporus dichrous [M, Bx, Q]

Grifola frondosa [all]*

Hapalopilus nidulans [Bx, SI]*

Inonotus dryadeus            [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Irpex lacteus [all]*

Ischnoderma resinosum             [all]*

Laetiporus cincinnatus [all]*

Laetiporus sulphureus [all]*

Lenzites betulina [all]*

Meripilus sumstinei [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Oligoporus caesius [M, Q, SI]*

Perenniporia compacta ?            [Bx]

Perenniporia medulla-panis [M, Br]

Perenniporia cf spissa [SI]

Phaeolus schweinitzii [Bx]*

Phellinus gilvus [all]*

Phellinus punctatus [Q, Br]

Phellinus rimosus            [M, Bx, Q, Br]*

Piptoporus betulinus [Bx, SI]*

Polyporus arcularius [Bx]*

Polyporus badius [Q]

Polyporus brumalis [M, Q, Br]

Polyporus craterellus [Bx, Q]*

Polyporus squamosus [M, Q, Br]*

Polyporus varius [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Porodisculus pendulus [Q, Br]*

Pycnoporus cinnabarinus [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Schizopora paradoxa [M, SI]

Spongipellis pachyodon [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Trametes conchifer [M, Br, SI]*

Trametes elegans (gibbosa) [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Trametes hirsuta [all]*

Trametes pubescens [M, Bx, Q]            *

Trametes suaveolens [Bx]

Trametes versicolor [all]*

Trichaptum biforme [all]            *

Tyromyces chioneus [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Tyromyces cf fragilis [Q]



Boletus auriporus [SI]

Boletus badius [Bx]

Boletus bicolor [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Boletus campestris [all]*

Boletus carminipes [Q, SI]

Boletus chrysenteron [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Boletus discolor [M]

Boletus edulis [Bx]*

Boletus fraternus [Bx]

Boletus frostii [Bx, SI]

Boletus griseus [Bx, SI]

Boletus illudens [SI]

Boletus innixus [SI]

Boletus lignicola [Br]*

Boletus longicurvipes [SI]

Boletus cf miniato-olivaceus [Bx]

Boletus ornatipes [Bx, SI]

Boletus pallidus [SI]

Boletus parasiticus [Bx]

Boletus pseudosensibilis [M]*

Boletus pulverulentus [M, Bx]*

Boletus rubropunctus [Bx]

Boletus rufomaculatus [SI]

Boletus sensibilis [SI]

Boletus cf speciosus [Br]

Boletus subfraternus [Bx]

Boletus subglabripes [Bx, SI]

Boletus subtomentosus [Bx, Q]

Boletus subvelutipes [M, Br, SI]*

Boletus variipes [Q, SI]

Gyrodon merulioides [Bx]

Gyroporus castaneus [M, Br, SI]*

Leccinum albellum [Bx, SI]

Leccinum scabrum [SI]*

Phyloporus rhodoxanthus [M, Br, SI]*

Porphyrellus porphyrosporus [Bx]*

Pulveroboletus ravenelii            [Br, SI]

Strobilomyces floccopus            [Br, SI]*

Suillus americanus [Bx]*

Suillus granulatus            [Bx]*

Suillus castanellus [Bx]

Suillus granulatus [Bx]

Suillus grevillei [Bx]

Suillus luteus [Br]

Tylopius alboater [Bx, SI]*

Tylopilus badiceps [M, Bx]*

Tylopilus ballouii [Q, Br, SI]*

Tylopilus felleus [SI]

Tylopilus ferrugineus [Bx]

Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus [M, Bx, SI]

Tylopilus sordidus            [SI]

Tylopilus variobrunneus [SI]

Tylopilus sp. [SI]

Xanthoconium affine [SI]*

Xanthoconium purpureum [Bx]



Agaricus abruptibulbus [M, Bx]

Agaricus bernardii            [Bx]*

Agaricus bitorquis            [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Agaricus campestris [M, Bx, SI]*

Agaricus macrosporus [M, Bx, Br]*

Agaricus placomyces complex [M, Br, SI]*

Agaricus pocillator [Bx]

Agaricus porphyrocephalus [Bx]

Agaricus silvaticus [Bx, Br]

Agaricus subrufescens [M, Bx, Q]*

Agaricus sect. Xanthodermatae [Br]

Agaricus sp.            [Br, SI]

Agrocybe acericola            [M]*

Agrocybe arvalis (tuberosa) [Bx, SI]*

Agrocybe dura [M, Bx, Br]*

Agrocybe erebia [Br]*

Agrocybe pediades            [M, Bx, Q, Br]*

Agrocybe sp. [Q]

Amanita cf abrupta [Br]

Amanita cf albocreata [M]*

Amanita brunnescens [M, Q, SI]*

Amanita brunn. var pallida [SI]

Amanita cinereopannosa [SI]

Amanita citrina [M, SI]*

Amanita cf cothurnata ?            [M, SI]*

Amanita crenulata            [all]*

Amanita daucipes [Q, SI]

Amanita flavoconia [M, Bx, Br]*

Amanita flavorubescens [M, Q, SI]*

Amanita cf fulva [SI]*

Amanita inaurata [Bx, SI]*

Amanita longipes [Bx, Q]*

Amanita muscaria [Bx, Br]*

Amanita muscaria v alba ? [Br]

Amanita onusta [Bx, Q, SI]*

Amanita parcivolvata [SI]*

Amanita phalloides [Bx, Q]*

Amanita rhopalopus [SI]

Amanita cf russuloides [M]*

Amanita rubescens [M, Br, SI]*

Amanita spissa [Bx]*

Amanita vaginata [M, Bx, Q, SI            ]*

Amanita virosa [Bx]*

Amanita volvata complex [M]*

Amanita volvata [SI]*

Amanita sect. Lepidella  [Bx]*

Amanita sect. Lepidella [Bx]*

Amanita sect. Lepidella [Bx]*

Amanita sect. Lepidella [SI]

Armillaria mellea complex [all]*

Armillaria tabescens [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Bolbitius vitellinus            [M, Br]*

Cheimonophyllum candidiss. [M, Br]

Chlorophyllum molybdites [M, Q, Br]            *

Clitocybe farinacea [see NAF]

Clitocybe gibba [SI]

Clitocybe nuda [M, Bx, Br, SI]*

Clitocybe odora [M]

Clitocybe phaeophthalma [M]*

Clitocybe subconnexa [SI]

Clitocybe tenebricosa (Lyophyllum)…..[see NAF]

Clitocybe spp. [Bx, SI]*

Collybia (Gymnopus) acervata [M]*

Collybia (Gymnopus) dichrous [SI]

Collybia (Gymnopus) dryophila [all]*

Collybia (Gymnopus) cf kauffmanii [M]*

Collybia (Gymnopus) cf earleae [M]

Colybia (Gymnopus) luxurians [M]*

Collybia (Gymnopus) subnuda [Q, SI]

Conocybe lactea [M, Bx, Q]*

Conocybe sp. (near tenera) [M, Br]*

Conocybe sp. (dark brown) [SI]*

Coprinus atramentarius  [M, Bx, Br, SI]*

Coprinus comatus [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Coprinus disseminatus [Bx, Q, Br]

Coprinus domesticus [bldg basement]

Coprinus micaceus [all]*

Coprinus cf niveus [M]

Coprinus plicatilis [M, Br]*

Coprinus quadrifidus [M, Br] *

Coprinus radians [Br, SI]*

Coprinus variegata [M]

Coprinus spp. [Q, Br, SI]

Cortinarius alboviolaceus [SI]

Cortinarius iodes [SI]

Cortinarius cf lilacinus [SI]

Cortinarius subg. Telamonia [SI]

Cortinarius spp. [M]

Crepidotus applanatus [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Crepidotus betulae….. [see NAF]

Crepidotus crocophyllus [SI]

Crepidotus versutus [M]

Crepidotus sp. [M, Q, SI]

Cyptotrama asprata [SI]

Eccilia parvula….. [see NAF]

Eccilia pungens….. [see NAF]

Entoloma abortivum [M, Bx, Q]*

Entoloma atribrunneum….. [see NAF]

Entoloma brevipes….. [see NAF]

Entoloma commune….. [see NAF]

Entoloma earlei …..[see NAF]

Entoloma fragile….. [see NAF]

Entoloma inocybiforme….. [see NAF]

Entoloma cf lividum [Q]

Entoloma melleidiscum [see NAF]

Entoloma parvulum….. [see NAF]

Entoloma pluteiforme….. [see NAF]

Entoloma strictius [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Entoloma subjubatum….. [see NAF]

Entoloma tortipes….. [see NAF]

Entoloma sp. [M]*

Entoloma sp. [Br]

Flammulina velutipes [all]*

Galerina autumnalis [M, Bx, SI]*

Galerina sp. (in moss) [SI]

Geopetalum (Hohenbuehelia) albescens….. [see NAF]

Gymnopilus cf sapineus [M, Br, SI]*

Gymnopilus spectabilis [M, Bx, SI]*

Gymnopilus sp. [M, SI]

Gymnopusa Agricola….. [see NAF]

Gymnopus dentatus …..[see NAF]

Gymnopus eatonae…… [see NAF]

Gymnopus farinaceous….. [see NAF]

Gymnopus tenuifolius….. [see NAF]

Gymnopus volkertii….. [see NAF]

Hebeloma appediculatum….. [see NAF]

Hebeloma cf crustuliniforme [Q]

Hebeloma earlei…… [see NAF]

Hebeloma cf hiemale [Q]

Hebeloma praecox…… [see NAF]

Hebeloma saccariolens [Bx]

Hebeloma sp. (under linden) [M]*

Hebeloma sp. (under oak) [M]*

Hebeloma sp. (under hemlock)            [Bx]*

Hohenbuehelia mastrucata [Bx]

Hohenbuehelia petaloides [M, Q]*

Hygrophoropsis aurantiacus [Br]*

Hygrophorus caespitosa            [SI]

Hygrophorus conicus [Br]*

Hygrophorus sp. (red cap, yellow gills, in moss) [M]

Hypholoma fasciculare [all]*

Hypholoma sublateritium [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Hypsizygus ulmarius [M, SI]*

Inocybe abundans [M]*

Inocybe albodisca [M]*

Inocybe brunnescens….. [see NAF]

Inocybe caesariata [M, Bx, SI]*

Inocybe fastigiella [M]*

Inocybe lacera [M, Bx, SI]*

Inocybe lorillardiana….. [see NAF]

Inocybe rimosoides [M]*

Inocybe sp. (very large, Hebeloma-like) [Q]

Inocybe spp. [all]*

Laccaria amethystina [M, Bx, SI]*

Laccaria laccata [M, Bx, Br, SI]*

Laccaria ochropurpurea [Q, Br, SI]*

Laccaria ohiensis [M]*

Laccaria trullisata [Br]*

Lactarius aquifluus [SI]

Lactarius camphoratus [M, SI]*

Lactarius corrugis [SI]

Lactarius deceptivus [SI]

Lactarius griseus [M]*

Lactarius hygrophoroides [Bx, SI]*

Lactarius lignyotus complex [SI]

Lactarius luteolus [Bx, SI]*

Lactarius cf quietus var incanus [M, SI]*

Lactarius vinaceorufescens [SI]

Lentinellus ursinus [Q, Br, SI]*

Lentinellus sp. [M]

Lentinus lepideus [Bx]*

Lentinus conchatus [Bx]

Lentinus strigosus (Panus rudis) [M, Br]*

also Govenors Island

Lepiota acutesquamosa [SI]

Lepiota [Leucoagaricus] americana [M, Q, Br]*

Lepiota lutea [Leucocoprinus birnbaumii] (in pot) [M]

Lepiota [Leucocoprinus] cepaestipes [M, Q]            *

Lepiota cristata [M, Bx, Q]*

Lepiota [Leucoagaricus] naucina [M, Bx]*

Lepiota [Macrolepiota] procera [Bx]*

Lepiota [Chlorophyllum] rhacodes [Bx]*

Lepiota sp. [Br, SI]

Leptonia roseibrunnea [see NAF]

Leratiomyces ceres (Stropharia aurantiaca) [M]*

Lyophyllum decastes [M, Bx, Br]*

Marasmiellus nigripes [M, Q]*

Marasmius nigrodiscus [M, Bx, Q]*

Marasmius epiphyllus [SI]

Marasmius graminum [M]

Marasmius leptopus….. [see NAF]

Marasmius magnisporus….. [see NAF]

Marasmius oreades [M, Bx, Br]            *

Marasmius rotula [M, Br, SI]*

Marasmius scorodonius [M]*

Marasmius sp. (tiny, yellow) [M]

Marasmius sp. [SI]

Megacollybia platyphylla            [Bx, Q, SI]*

Melanoleuca alboflavida [SI]

Melanoleuca sp. [M]*

Micromphale foetidum [Q, SI]

Mycena alcalina [Bx, Q, SI]*

Mycena corticola [M]

Mycena epipterygia [Bx, SI]

Mycena galericulata [Q, Br, SI]

Mycena haematopus [Bx, Q]*

Mycena inclinata [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Mycena luteopallens [Bx]

Mycena sp. (yellow cap) [SI]

Mycena sp. (tiny) [SI]

Mycena spp. [Bx, Br, SI]

Nolanea avellanea….. [see NAF]

Nolanea earlei….. [see NAF]

Nolanea gracilipes….. [see NAF]

Nolanea parvipapillata….. [see NAF]

Nolanea parvula….. [see NAF]

Nolanea substaurospora….. [see NAF]

Omphalina volkertii….. [see NAF]

Omphalopsis praedecurrens….. [see NAF]

Omphalopsis turbinatus….. [see NAF]

Omphalotus illudens [SI]*

Panaeolina foenisecii [M, Q*

Panaeolus cinctulus ? [Bx]*

Panaeolus sp. (on horse dung) [Bx]

Panellus serotinus            [M, SI]*

Panellus stipticus [M, Q, Br, SI]*

Paxillus involutus            [Bx]

Pholiota aurivella [M, Q, SI]*

Pholiota granularis [SI]

Pholiota cf malicola [M]

Pholiota squarrosoides [Br]

Pholiota veris [Q]

Pholiota sp. (wood mulch) [SI]*

Phylotopsis nidulans [Bx, Q, Br]*

Pleurotus ostreatus [all]*

Pleurotus pulmonarius [Br]

Pluteolus flavellus….. [see NAF]

Pluteus cervinus [all]*

Pluteus cervinus var alba [M]

Pluteus granularis            [M]

Pluteus petasatus [SI]

Pluteus spp.            [M, SI]

Prunulus alcaliniformis….. [see NAF]

Prunulus atribrunneus…… [see NAF]

Prunulus cervinalbus….. [see NAF]

Prunulus farinaceous….. [see NAF]

Psathyrella bipellis [Bx]

Psathyrella candolleana [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Psathyrella conopilea [M]*

Psathyrella delineata [M, SI]*

Psathyrella cf hydrophila            [M, SI]*

Psathyrella velutina [M, Bx, SI]            *

Psathyrella spp. [all]

Psilocybe cyanescens [M, Bx]*

Psilocybe ovoideacystidiata [Bx]*

Psilocybe sp. (on horse dung) [Bx]

Resupinatus applicatus [M, SI]*

Rickenella fibula [M, SI]            *

Russula aeruginea            [M, Bx]*

Russula albonigra [M]*

Russula amoenolens [M]

Russula compacta [SI]

Russula crustosa [M, SI]*

Russula cyanoxantha [M, SI]

Russula flavida [SI]

Russula foetentula [M]*

Russula fragrantissima [M]

Russula laurocerasi [M]*

Russula lepida (M, SI)*

Russula maculata            [M, SI]*

Russula mariae [M, Bx, SI]*

Russula mutabilis [M]

Russula ochroleucoides [SI]

Russula ornaticeps [M, Q]*

Russula pectinatoides [M, Bx, Q]*

Russula cf pulchra [Q]

Russula cf redolens [SI]

Russula rubescens (Bx, SI)

Russula rubriochracea Murr….. [see NAF]

Russula sericeonitens [M]

Russula silvicola [M, Q, SI]

Russula stricta Murr….. [see NAF]

Russula subfoetens [M, Bx, SI]

Russula cf subgraminicolor [M]

Russula sulcatipes Murr….. [see NAF]

Russula variata [M]

Russula ventricosipes [Bx]

Russula cf virescens [SI]

Russula vinosa (krombholzii) [M, SI]

Russula (red, dry cap, bitterish) [SI]

Russula sp. (pink & green) [SI]

Russula sp. (peach cap with yellow, mild) [M]*

Russula spp. [all]

Schizophyllum commune [all]*

Stropharia rugosoannulata [M, Bx, Br]*

Stropharia rugoso. v flavida [Br]*

Stropharia sp. (cf albonitens) [Bx]*

Tricholoma caligatum [SI]

Tricholoma sejunctum [SI]*

Tricholoma subresplendens [SI]*

Tricholoma sulphureum [Q]

Tricholoma transmutans [SI]

Tricholoma sp. [Br]

Tricholomopsis rutilans [Q, Br]*

Tubaria praecox [see NAF]

Tubaria furfuracea [M, Bx, Q, SI]*

Tubaria sp. [M]*

Volvariella bombycina [M]*

Volvariella pusilla [M]*

Xerula furfuracea            [M, SI]*

Sand 1 (Floyd Bennett Fld) [Br]*

Sand 2            “ [Br]*

Sand 3            “ [Br]*



Astraeus hygrometricus [Br]

Calvatia cyathiformis [M, Bx, Br]*

Calvatia gigantea [M, Bx]*

Calvatia rubroflava [M]

Crucibulum laeve            [M, Bx]*

Cyathus olla            [M, Bx]*

Cyathus striatus [M, Bx]*

Geastrum saccatum [M, Bx, Br]*

Geastrum triplex [SI]*

Lycoperdon curtisii [M, Bx]*

Lycoperdon cf marginatum [Br]

Lycoperdon perlatum [M, Br]*

Lycoperdon pusillum [M, Q]

Lycoperdon pyriforme [all]*

Lycoperdon sp. (smooth) [M, Br]

Mutinus elegans [M, Br, SI]*

Phallus ravenelii [M, Bx, Br]*

Phallus rubicundus [M, Q]*

Pseudocolus fusiformis [M]*

Scleroderma areolatum [M, SI]

Scleroderma cepa            [all]*

Scleroderma citrinum [all]*

Scleroderma cf polyrhizon [M, Bx, Br, SI]*

Tulostoma cf brumale [M]

Tulostoma fimbriatum v campestre [Q]*

Tulostoma sp. [M]



Spinellus sp. on Mycena sp. [Q]

Spinellus ? on an insect [Br]


MYXOMYCETES (not sorted by borough)

Arcyria cinerea

Arcyria denudata

Arcyria sp.

Brefeldia maxima

Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa

Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. poroides

Comatrichia typhoides

Cribraria argillacea

Diachia leucopodia

Fuligo septica

Hemitrichia clavata

Hemitrichia serpula

Lycogala epidendrum

Lycogala flavofuscum

Metatrichia vesparium

Perichaena depressa

Physarum nutans

Reticularia lycoperdon

Reticularia splendens

Stemonitis fusca

Stemonitis splendens

Stemonitis sp.

Tubigera ferruginosa